AIWC of Genoa Christmas Baazar 2022

27Novembre10:0018:00AIWC of Genoa Christmas Baazar 2022

Event Details

Domenica 27 novembre i Magazzini Del Cotone ospitano l’AIWC of Genoa Christmas Bazaar il cui ricavato sarà interamente devoluto a opere benefiche e filantropiche del territorio genovese.

Questo è l’evento di spicco delle attività realizzate annualmente dall’Associazione American International Women’s Club, storico punto di aggregazione e socializzazione della comunità statunitense e internazionale a Genova.

Specialità gastronomiche made in U.S.A., oggetti & abiti vintage, libri, originali decorazioni e cesti natalizi, mercatino dell’usato, accessori & bigiotteria, pesca di beneficenza e tante altre proposte originali per i vostri regali di Natale.

Ingresso liberomaggiori informazioni su AIWC of Genoa

The American International Women’s Club (AIWC) of Genoa-ONLUS is an International group of women (more than 20 different nationalities at last count) who have been active in Genoa since 1957 we are dedicated to fostering an appreciation of the cultural riches our host country has to offer and supporting Genoese charities.

Our main fundraising event is and has been for over 50 years, the annual Christmas bazaar whose proceeds are entirely donated to charity. In the past years we donated to the charitable works of Institutions such as the Patronato San Vincenzo de Paoli, La Scaletta’ nursery, Gaslini Hospital, IST Breast Cancer Unit -San Martino hospital and other Genoese institutions.

So please come to see us on Sunday the 27th of November in the Magazzini del Cotone conference centre in Porto Antico (entrance unit 8) get to know us and we are sure you will want to come again…..

You can find ‘ Home baked goods & American food, Christmas decorations & handcrafted items, Vintage boutique, accessories and bijoux, books for children and adults, bric a brac, and children’s toys. Also our Raffle , Bottle Pick and Lucky Dip.



Novembre 27, 2022 10:00 - 18:00(GMT-11:00)


Magazzini del Cotone Centro Congressi

Centro Congressi, Via Magazzini del Cotone, 59, 16128 Genova GE, Italy

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